Resiliency, Strength, and Lightness
Below are Blaine’s basic definitions of Resiliency, Strength, and Lightness. The accompanying videos provide examples of weight qualities in studio and performance environments. During studio work, students explore the many connotations of each weight quality and strive to fulfill the physicality of the qualities as defined by Blaine. For the studies they create, students explore the various possibilities of the qualities within a choreographic framework. In choreographic work, weight qualities are one aesthetic consideration among many rather than being the main focus of the work.
Resiliency – releasing the center of weight into gravity, registering it at the bottom of your demi-plie and slightly rebounding it upward; its orientation is in the vertical dimension.
- Video: Blaine Describes Resiliency
- Video: Resiliency in the Studio
- Video: Ann Sofie Clemmensen’s Resiliency Study as Example
Strength – engaging the center of weight through gravity. The center of weight forcefully pushes through gravity, thus achieving an outward directionality.
- Video: Blaine Describes Strength
- Video: Strength in the Studio
- Video: Strength in Choreographic Work
Lightness – exaggerating the body’s relationship with levity to the upward space. The weight lingers at the apex before it carefully and gradually descends and releases into gravity.
- Video: Blaine Describes Lightness
- Video: Lightness in the Studio
- Video: Lightness in Choreographic Work