What a special moment this is in many ways. This issue of InForm marks a year for me as your chair. And what a year it was! We, dance people, know the importance of bodies moving together, breathing together, navigating the world together. Yes, this year was difficult, but as you’ll read below, what we accomplished was nothing more than remarkable. Our remarkable staff worked tirelessly behind the scenes to make all the necessary changes to help us succeed despite the many challenges. Faculty shifted their teaching modes, but remained committed to educating and supporting our students as whole people. And our students continued to prioritize their studies while paying attention to their emotional needs. They communicated with us and we worked figured out how to maintain the right balance. None of us have done this before and we couldn’t be prouder of our students. We joined efforts in the larger university by working together on anti-racism initiatives, having important conversations together and establishing a fund in the name of Dr. Melanye White Dixon for departmental diversity, equity and inclusion efforts. And we thrived, making powerful work (in some new ways!), producing significant new scholarship, winning awards and expanding our off-campus community partners.
I started my term as chair in July charged with bringing back a dance department in person during a pandemic when most of our job is to literally breathe heavily near each other! I am so proud of our community. We managed not to shut down. We managed to learn, grow, produce meaningful work. We managed to maintain our excellence. We challenged ourselves and each other. We didn’t retreat from our responsibilities as citizens to try to help make the world better. We truly got through this together. We will never forget this time in our lives. We are connected forever in deeply meaningful ways.
Some of you may have heard about my recent decision. I’m really understanding the phrase “it is with a heavy heart” because it is with a heavy heart that I’m writing to tell you that I’ve decided to leave Ohio State and accept the position of Chair of the Performance Studies Department at Northwestern University beginning next fall. I’ll have a joint appointment in the Department of Theater (and Dance) and have been honored with the Naomi Willie Pollard endowed professorship. I look forward to continuing the good work from my new academic home.
This was one of the most difficult career decisions in my life. I remember coming to the office last year not knowing that the announcement of my appointment as chair had been made. Graduate students immediately surrounded me for some impromptu hugging (remember group hugging?) and disco dancing! I’m rarely speechless, as those of you who have had me in class know, but I was speechless in that moment. I may have even giggled, Lord help me! I was overwhelmed and knew I wanted nothing other than to be a champion for the important work happening in the department. This year was not what I was expecting, of course, but if I had to go through this past year, I am thankful to have gone through it with our community.
But I’m just going up the road and to the left. So, you’ll all visit! And I plan to stay connected to the department as an affiliate adjunct in order to continue supporting my advisees and participating in several internal grants I received. I look forward to coming back for research presentations and performances.
I’m leaving the department in the capable hands of Susan Van Pelt Petry who will serve as interim chair as the department conducts a national search for the next chair. This opportunity to impact the next stage of the department at such a high level is just another indication of how much the college recognizes our excellence.
I hope I’ve served you well this year. The Ohio State University’s Department of Dance means the world to me. I wish nothing but the best for all of you!
Looking back, moving forward…
With love…
Dr. Nadine